Prealgebra 1 Online Math Course 您所在的位置:网站首页 beast academy网上课程 Prealgebra 1 Online Math Course

Prealgebra 1 Online Math Course

2024-06-02 15:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I really enjoyed this class! This online classroom provided all of the clarification I needed for Prealgebra. The challenge problems had me actually thinking and Alcumus really helped me practice the strategies that I was taught. I learned many, MANY things this year and I now understand things that I never understood before. The classes were very fun and engaging and went at the perfect pace. I also enjoyed having the transcripts to refer to when I had to miss a class or was in need of rereading some information that I'd forgotten. All in all, this was a SUPER great class and I am looking forward to joining Prealgebra 2!






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